Exceptional quality to the finest detail Planmeca VisoTM is an ideal combination of premium…
"All in one" imaging solution.   Planmeca ProMax 3D Mid is a genuine all-in-one CBVT…
The new member in our Planmeca 3D family The 3D Plus is the most affordable…
      The Planmeca ProMax X-ray unit provides a wide range of extraoral imaging…
One shot DR cephalostat:    Planmeca ProCeph Digital FPD one shot cephalostat takes the image…
Compact and Innovative Featuring cutting-edge innovations, Planmeca ProOne® combines extensive diagnostic capabilities and superior image…
3D facial photo option Planmeca ProFace is a unique option available for the whole Planmeca…
Patient-Specific Physical Models Planmeca ProModel is a patient-specific physical model for high-end maxillofacial operations and…
OPG 3D imaging refined Planmeca Romexis is comprehensive software for acquiring, viewing and processing 2D…